Friday, May 22, 2015

Life After Install

So now that you have installed your new operating system what do we do?
The first thing I normally do is get my Graphic environment back to the way I like.

With many options where do I go? Well if you installed basic Ubuntu you already have Unity. It is nice to begin with but I recommend something along the lines of Gnome, MATE, KDE, or XFCE. All of which may suit your needs differently and each one has a setup for customizing the user interface to your exact taste.

Steam has a .deb package that can be opened with the Ubuntu Software Center when clicked on by default or you can install from command line if you feel comfortable with that utility. dpkg and apt-get are your best friends after install.

Some useful programs for most people:

Shotwell - photo management

Digikam - Photo management similar to Light Room

Gimp - Photo manipulation. Think photoshop but free.

InkScape - Vector Graphics

OpenShot - Great Basic video editor

CinelerraCV - One of the best video editors I have ever used

LibreOffice - If it isn't already installed it is very comparable to MSOffice suite.

Atom - if you need a good text editor like Notepad++

Audacity - Audio editor and Sound recorder

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